2 Car Garage

Up to 24’ Wide! This is more like your traditional 2 car garage! Difference is, These 24x24 Start

Lets get started with building your barn!


Standard pricing includes 2 -9’x7’ garage doors,  24" x 30" real window, service door. 

(20’ Wide buildings will only have 8’ Wide garage doors (8’x7’)


James Avery (Owner) - (269) 503-3965

Rebecca (Kalamazoo Dealer) - (269) 381-9039

Israel (Coldwater Dealer) - (517) 317-3502

Lindsay (Sturgis Dealer) - (269) 509-6098

Call us with any questions or to make an appointment to visit!

Quick form submission and our closest dealer will give you a call.


Picture Represents a Thick decking ramp we have built